I only use this app to look at mine and my friends times
I only use this app to look at mine and my friends times
I use the App for my son, a 12&under Age Group Swimmer. He loves the educational perks available with True Sport and Peter Vanderkaay, loves checking his times and LOVES getting new badges! I love that all of his meets are tracked there and times are all in one place! Great App!
The app works well to keep track of best times. Very limited on details for goals. Biggest negative is I cant track more than one of my kids. That is going to get much more frustrating as my younger child starts to compete more.
Cant ever load meets really awful app
This app allows me to get immediate results from the meet if its digital and allows records of my best swim times and previous times so I can also compare. I can also see time standards for different meets even the Olympics!
In order to get the meet results, the meet host needs to send the data to the server for the app. When this does not happen, nobody takes responsibility for it and days go by until they post the results. Very unreliable app.
Rarely works. 9/10 times I get an error loading and screen stays blank. My kids swim, cool down, get out and text me their times before I get results from this app.
It works its just a bit clunky. I dont like that every time you leave the app and come back in you have to hunt down the meet again. Crashes randomly. If they would look at meet mobile and take notes this would be the better app and worth 5 stars.
Nice app to keep track of times and goals. Like that it updates itself with times. Some things I would change, would be that the Goals and Standards buttons be on the same screen. Also ideally the Goals had the ability to label if goal time is a "b" time or "a" time.
I was curious if the creators of the app could add a time thing that lets you compare your times to some one elses and show you witch is fast and by how much.
This app has not been updated in over two years and it shows. We are heading into an Olympic year and this thing is barely working. Cmon USA Swimming we deserve more!!!!!
App works well up until you try to view live meet results. Shows "error loading results. Try again" message and resetting the app doesnt help.
I gave it two stars because its nice when it works. Problem is it rarely works.
You WILL NOT get live results with Deck Pass Plus. You WILL get the same error message every time you try to load the Live Meet List. Save your $2 for a cup of Starbucks coffee.
Have attempted to use it at swim meets to get live updates but it always encounters an error and cant open. Very disappointed!
When I try to scan for a patch the app crashes! Everything else works great but it just needs that one thing fixed!
I purchased this app a few years ago. At the time, it only allowed you to look at one swimmer. I had hoped that in all this time, the developers wouldve updated it to allow users to see more than one swimmer. As the father of two swimmers, this is important to me. However, years later, Im still stuck with seeing only one swimmer. Ive seen other reviewers with the same issue. I guess the developers dont read, or at least dont heed, the reviews. Meet Mobile app here I come...
Pretty straight forward. Easy to use. Basic setup.
Wish Id read the reviews before purchasing. I have two swimmers and this app only has the capability to work for one swimmer. Disappointing. Will stick with Meet Mobile.
Whenever I go to live results it keeps saying error....fix please!